2011. augusztus 19., péntek

celeb news

THG Caption Contest: Kim Kardashian's Box

Welcome, gossip fans, to another edition of THG's Caption Contest!
With Kim Kardashian getting married tomorrow, we had no choice but to make her our subject. What's the beautiful bride-to-be saying/thinking?! You tell us!
All you have to do to play is click "Comments" below and submit your best caption(s)! Go to it! We will announce a winner Monday. Best of luck, all ...
Kim Kardashian Box

Russell Armstrong to Be Cremated

With Bravo still considering its options for The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and with a new rumor spreading that Russell Armstrong recently broke the cheekbones of his wife, at least one aspect of this tragedy has been settled:
The late reality star will be cremated and a funeral will be held for him in Los Angeles next week.
Taylor Armstrong and Family
There had reportedly been a conflict over where Russell's ashes would be spread - California or Texas - but because the couple was still married at the time of his suicide, Taylor is making the funeral arrangement.
Troy Christiansen, an attorney for Russell's side of the family, tells TMZ the current arrangement is fine with his clients.

Happy 65th Birthday, Bill Clinton!

The 42nd President of the United States of America, Bill Clinton, celebrates his birthday today. The Big Dawg is now 65. Happy birthday, Bubba!
William Jefferson Clinton, the pride of Hope, Ark., remains the only Democrat to win two full White House terms since Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
He also presided over the largest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history, and left office extremely popular despite being impeached.
Hey, no one's perfect, right?
Bill Clinton PicA Bill Clinton Photo
His wife, Hillary Clinton, is currently U.S. Secretary of State. Their daughter, Chelsea, married Marc Mezvinsky last summer in New York State.
In a political flip-flop of Mitt Romney-esque proportions, Bill Clinton is marking his 65th birthday by going vegan. Seriously. No more burgers!
What a difference a quadruple bypass makes. "I like the vegetables, the fruits, the beans, the stuff I eat now," the ex-President tells CNN.
After experiencing heart problems leading up to the 2004 surgery, Clinton has now lost 20 lbs.: "I feel good, and I have so much more energy."
Glad to hear. Have a veggie burger on us tonight, BC!

THG Week in Review: August 13-19, 2011

Welcome to THG's Week in Review! Below, our staff takes a look back at the stories, stars and scandals that made these past seven days so memorable.
If you don't already, you can FOLLOW THG on Twitter and Facebook for 24/7/365 news. Day in and day out, let us be your #1 celebrity gossip source!
Now, a rundown of the week that was at The Hollywood Gossip:

Aubrey O'Day Does What Aubrey O'Day Does Best

Aubrey O'Day is still around, and doing whatever it is she does.
The singer/reality star was out on the town at a launch party for Kim Kardashian's Kollection on Wednesday evening in a pink and black striped "dress."
Aubrey was seen at another point that same night at a party for the LG Revolution wearing the same thing, and at a Verizon party the following night.
Same outfit. Why argue with a good thing? Or two?
Aubrey O'Day, Breasts
In the mind of Aubrey O'Day, nothing demands major breast exposure like a party for Kim Kardashian, a new cell phone or clothes you can buy at Sears.
[Photo: WENN.com]

Scott MacIntyre and Christina Teich: Married!

Scott MacIntyre, the first finalist in American Idol history, is now a married man. The artist exchanged vows with Christina Teich yesterday in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Scott MacIntyre Wedding Pic
MacIntyre composed all the music played at the event, including "I Wanna Be," a single that is now available on iTunes. Up next for the part-time motivational speaker?
Scott will release a memoir, titled "By Faith, Not By Sight," in May. Our best wishes to this happy couple!
[Photo: Scott MacIntyre/Us Weekly]

Dr. Conrad Murray Seeking Jury Sequestration, Protection From "Character Assassination"

Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team believes sequestering the jury is the only way to ensure his fair trial in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case.
Charged with involuntarily causing the King of Pop's death, Murray wants the court protect him and the system from "character assassinations."
The name Nancy Grace has come up more than once from Murray's lawyers, citing the case of Casey Anthony, who ended up walking in July.
Dr. Conrad Murray Photo
Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers say the only reason the Anthony jurors were unswayed by the media skewering of Anthony was because they were sequestered.
According to documents, Grace and others engaged in "nonstop on-air abuse of not only the defendant, but the jurors and defense attorneys involved."
The legal docs claim, "There is reasonable expectation that Dr. Murray's trial will be the most publicized in history," and that of the several hundred jurors polled during jury selection, only one claimed not to have heard of the case.
Judge Michael Pastor said last month he would consider sequestering the jury, although he felt it was unnecessary and expensive. Stay tuned ...
[Photo: WENN.com]

Lindsay Lohan Sues Pitbull Over Disparaging Lyrics

Lindsay Lohan is suing rapper Pitbull over disparaging lyrics in one of his songs. He does zing her pretty good, but a lawsuit? Get outta town.
The hit song, "Give Me Everything," contains this line: Hustlers move aside, so I'm tiptoein', to keep flowin', I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan.
Oooh, that one hurt!
LiLo claims in her lawsuit that "the lyrics, by virtue of its wide appeal, condemnation, excoriation, disparaging or defamatory statements by the defendants regarding the plaintiff are destined to do irreparable harm to the plaintiff."
Yes, a PITBULL SONG is likely to to her irreparable harm.
Lindsay, who LOL-tastically claims she is "a professional actor of good repute and standing in the Screen Actors Guild," is suing under New York civil rights laws safeguarding one's name from being exploited for commercial purposes.
Lindsay Lohan alleges the song causes her "to be associated in connection with defendants" and seeks to halt broadcasting of the song. Good luck.

West Memphis Three Free from Prison After Guitly Plea, Insist on Innocence

Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley Jr. - who were convicted of murdering three Boy Scouts in 1993 and who have come to be known as "The West Memphis 3" - were released today after serving 18 years in prison.
In an odd, legal twist, the trio entered a plea of guilty in court... and were subsequently set free.
West Memphis 3 Mug Shots
The case grew in stature and publicity over the last few years, as new DNA evidence came to light that cast doubt on the conviction. Two documentaries were made about the West Memphis 3, with celebrities such as Eddie Vedder and Natalie Maines insisting on a retrial, and even showing up in court today.
The families of two of the victims even joined forces with the defense, proclaiming that Echols, Baldwin and Misskelley Jr. were innocent.

Charlie Sheen: A Changed Man?

With the exception of dodging some flying objects over the weekend, Charlie Sheen has remained relatively quiet over the last few weeks.
Heck, he's even made peace with Brooke Mueller.
It may be confusing to those of us used to the actor's Warlock ways, but Emilio Estevez says his brother is "a completely different guy." This time for good, supposedly.
Emilio Estevez PictureCharlie S. Pic
Speaking to Access Hollywood, Estevez says Sheen has his "voice back." The former Young Guns star credits a couple projects in the works for helping Charlie regain his "focus."
"He’s on a new show [Anger Management] and he’s gonna be roasted by Comedy Central – which I think is going to be hysterical," Estevez says. “I think that he’s really got it together. And he’s very excited about the crew of the show he’s putting together.”
[Photos: WENN.com]

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